Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sleep is for the weak.

I'm not going to lie. I am tired. So tired that I get really angry when people complain how tired they are to me. So tired that during a recent napping attempt for Riley, I fell asleep on her tiny toddler bed while she caught up on some Curious George action. Dan captured this picture on the baby video monitor.

Someone told me that Riley would be worn out after a morning at preschool. This person lied. It seems that our little energizer bunny is only fueled by this activity and becomes what I like to describe as a crazy lady. So it may not came as a surprise that on the weekends, her body gives in and she crashes. Big time. She puts up a good fight, but between an afternoon swim, the lull of the car and the warmth of the car seat, she was knocked out by the time we reached our house today.

We then debated, at 6:00pm, do we wake her or let her sleep? I voted for waking her because I don't want to have two kids up at 3:00am wondering what's for breakfast. This is our attempt to wake her.

1 comment:

Monica said...

Cute video! Wow, she was tired. So did she wake up in the middle of the night after that nap? Taylor tends to fall asleep in the late afternoon (if she naps) and I always worry about getting her to go to sleep before midnight.


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