On a scale of 0-4, she scored the worst or most likely to have a reaction to peanuts, a 4. Consequently, the other "bad" nut to have an allergy to just so happens to be cashews; She scored a 2 to these. We have been advised to stay away from all nuts because one can never be too careful. Packages will often say, "Manufactured in a plant with nuts," or some will say, "May contain nuts." You never know what nuts they are talking about.
To say this has turned our lives upside down is an understatement. I scrutinize labels, I become panicked that something as simple as barbecue sauce will make her have a reaction (it did). Or, I'm scared that this is just the beginning in a long line of food allergies. Just tonight, after eating a pineapple, she started to hive up - I gave her Benadryl and my Mom washed her off which seemed to stem off the reaction.
In cases where Benadryl won't cut it, such as wheezing, swelling of the tongue, lips, vomiting, etc., we have been instructed to use the EpiPen. The allergist showed me how to jab it into her little thigh and how to "not rush" to the emergency room.
While the EpiPen gives me a sense of comfort that I will be able to handle any emergency situation, it still is a daunting idea. The idea that one slip, how one insignificant granola bar could land my baby into the emergency room is downright sickening. Some people have been great. My parents have cleared their pantry. While others don't get. "Just don't feed her peanuts." It's not that simple.
It's a learning process. There will be a change in our lifestyle. Reese will never have a Reese's Cup. Dan reminds me, "It's a nut allergy, not cancer."