Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Lone Star, Exhausted, and Strep

Our trip to Texas started off great. Riley behaved so well on the airplane, beyond my expectations. Mimi and Papa excitedly waited for their little one at the airport. She was indeed the "lone star" at the house. Riley was doted on and her every need was cared to by her grandparents.

Days were filled with lots of laughter, food, and fun. Some highlights of the trip included going up and down, up and down, and up and down the stairs, swimming with floaties like a big girl, going to the Houston Children's Museum, playing pool, and hanging with Uncle Kyle. Riley also rode on a carousel for the first time and took great pleasure in harrasing Mimi and Papa's dog, Lola, sleeping in her bed, forcliking in the grass and riding on the gate. I even got to enjoy a few outings while Riley napped. Kyle took me to a street lined with antique stores and thrift shops, hot but really fun.

The last couple days of our trip were rough. Riley refused to eat anything besides yogurt. I knew something was up for sure. Our plane ride home was unbearable to say the least, I'll leave it at that and quote what one of the flight attendants remarked over the loudspeaker, "It is now safe to us all electronic devices....including your noise reduction earphones."

We returned home and Daddy sure missed us. He got both of his girls flowers and the house was clean and laundry completed. Riley was so excited to see him and even more excited to see Murphy. She ran around the house with him and kept squealing in delight as she loved on him.

This morning, I took Riley in to our favorite doctor to have her rechecked. It seems that Ms. R. has strep...again. He thinks it could be one of three things:
1. Riley was re-infected somehow.

2. Riley is a strep carrier. One the last day of her new and extremely potent and expensive antibiotic, she must go back to the DR to get swabbed again. If she is positive, then he thinks she may be a Strep Carrier. This would lead to a referral to a ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist) and a possible Tonsillectomy.

3. Dan or I could be the carrier. If one or two proves unfounded, then we need to get tested and see a specialist.

I feel so bad for our little angel. She must be so hungry but refuses to eat anything but yogurt smoothies. I feel bad that she has to keep taking all of this medication. I will feel even worse if option 2 is the route we must take. I would rather have ten tonsillectomies to spare her just one. Even then, who is to say that she will be cured of the strep? Her first bout was when she was 6 months old, she has to be tired of this nastiness because I know I sure am.

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